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User Settings

This section explains how to generate tokens and manage user roles in Checkmate.

1. Generating a Token

To generate a new token, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the User Details page, by clicking on user profile on right side of header.
  2. Locate the Generate button and click it.
  3. A secure token will be generated automatically and displayed on the screen.
  4. Use the generated token as needed for API access.

2. Managing User Roles

To manage the roles of users, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel via the User Details page.
  2. In the Admin Panel, locate the user whose role you wish to modify.
  3. Use the role dialog menu to assign or update the user’s role (e.g., Admin, Editor, Viewer).
  4. Click Update Role to confirm the update.

If the role management is successful, a notification will appear with the message: “Role Updated Successfully”.